Thank you for all of your help in providing free lodging and abundant amenities at HHH!
Gold Level:
Stacy Priehs, Caldwell Banker Professionals
Kimball Appliance
Lake Huron Medical Center
McLaren Port Huron
Visiting Nurse Association and Blue Water Hospice
Bronze Level:
Blue Water Woman
Eastern Michigan Bank
SEMCO Energy
Smith Family Funeral Home
Food & Supplies:
Sam’s Club
Woman’s Life Chapter 807, Chef Shell’s and the Shevnock Family
Thank you to the many other businesses and families who donated time, energy and funds, helping us grow our endowment fund to ensure HHH assists families in the midst of a medical crisis for generations to come!
Gold Level:
Stacy Priehs, Caldwell Banker Professionals
Kimball Appliance
Lake Huron Medical Center
McLaren Port Huron
Visiting Nurse Association and Blue Water Hospice
Bronze Level:
Blue Water Woman
Eastern Michigan Bank
SEMCO Energy
Smith Family Funeral Home
Food & Supplies:
Sam’s Club
Woman’s Life Chapter 807, Chef Shell’s and the Shevnock Family
Thank you to the many other businesses and families who donated time, energy and funds, helping us grow our endowment fund to ensure HHH assists families in the midst of a medical crisis for generations to come!