I can talk about HHH and what we do until I'm blue in the face, but there's really nothing like hearing from our guests themselves. All our houses have books where guests can leave a note about their stay, which are not only a joy for us to read but are also very helpful for subsequent guests. Knowing someone has gone through a similar medical experience is of great comfort. We also get thank you cards, texts...all kinds of affirming words to know that HHH is an essential service in our community. Find more great guest testimonies on our Facebook page! facebook.com/hunterhospitalityhouse
This guest came to us from Ohio!
Because HHH was founded in memory of our premature baby, Hunter, young parents are very special guests to us!
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Such a sweet post script!
I didn't just love this text sent to my husband from a guest because she said I was beautiful...but it didn't hurt! ;)